Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Here's wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas day and may 2008 be a rich and successful year for your and your family!


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hooters Sponsorship of LHS Football Is Inappropriate

On August 29, 2007 Mark Mayer's letter to the editor of The Ledger (Lakeland, FL) was published. His message was that it is inappropriate for Hooters to be an advertiser at a high school event. I certainly agree with his view that the brand image that Hooters has created and continues to market is not what a school district needs to allow to be promoted on its campuses nor at its events.

Mr. Mayer begins his letter to the editor with the following: "The Hooters restaurant chain has been around for a long time. While most people jokingly say they patronize the restaurant for its wings, obviously the real reason is because of the well-endowed women in Hooter attire who serve the food... as a parent with teenage girls, and two who attend the school, I'm very concerned about Hooters' official sponsorship of Lakeland High School football, and the conflicting messages it sends my girls and the entire student body."

You may wish to read his full editorial letter at http://www.theledger.com/article/20070829/NEWS/708290568

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why schools should teach strategic computer insights

In Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox for February 26, 2007 (which can be accessed at https://webmail.polk-fl.net/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.useit.com/alertbox/computer-skills.html) he shares a good argument for why schools should teach deep, strategic computer insights that can't be learned from reading a manual.

In this article he provides a list of the things schools should teach to provide students with "Life-Long Computer Skills." These include, among others, Search Strategies I, Writing for Online Readers, Computerized Presentation Skills, User Testing, and other Basic Usability Guidelines.

I believe you will find his article helpful in gaining a better insight into the computer skills which our students of tomorrow should be taught. https://webmail.polk-fl.net/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.useit.com/alertbox/computer-skills.html

Friday, June 22, 2007

School Concurrency

March 1, 2008 is the date it's coming to Polk County! In the words of fellow school board member Frank O'Reilly, when school currency is in place students will then be equal to sewers.

Isn't it sad it has taken these many years to put into place a system where the children who will occupy a new development will be considered during the review of that proposed residential development. We have all known the children in new developments need to be educated. Prior to this legislation requiring school concurrency developers have never been required to consider the community's school infrusture.

The recent school summit held at the Magnolia Building in downtown Lakeland was an encouraging display of a cooperative spirit among officials from various governmental bodies in Polk. I trust this expierence is a sign that implementation of school concurrency will proceed smoothly in Polk!
